The initial cost of a long-term equity investment obtained by making payment in cash shall be the purchase cost which is actually paid. 以支付现金取得的长期股权投资,应当按照实际支付的购买价款作为初始投资成本。
Online credit card or debit card payment was very rare in China and customers usually paid cash on delivery. 那时,中国人很少使用信用卡或者借记卡进行在线支付,客户通常在收货时用现金支付。
Payment options are available in cash, bank transfer and credit card, and all details will be given after the first free lesson. 现金支付,银行转账和信用卡,首节免费课后,您将会得到相关细节。
It demanded of the Saudis, for instance, to whom it sold CSS2 missiles, payment in cash, ensuring both the cementing of a key strategic relationship and total deniability of the sale. 例如,中国就要求沙特购买其CS22导弹是必须支付现金,保证时候可以否认交易存在。
I asked the salesman if he would knock some money off for payment in cash. 我问推销员如果付现金是否要以降低些价钱。
We insist on payment in cash on delivery without allowing any discount. 我们坚持货到付款,不打任何折扣。
Payment can be made by Bank Transfer, Bank Draft or in cash at your nearest Oxford office. 你可以通过银行转账,汇款或者交现金到离你最近的牛津的办公室。
Payment in cash is not accepted. 现金缴费将不获接纳。
All amount of income and payment and payment in cash of the joint venture company; 合营公司所有和现金收入、支出数量;
To ask for or accept remuneration or other forms of payment in cash or in kind in addition to what is agreed upon with the client in a contract, or seek other unlawful interests by taking advantage of their services; 索取、收受委托合同约定以外的酬金或者其他财物,或者利用执行业务之便,谋取其他不正当的利益;
On the payment date, the following entry would be made in the cash disbursements journal. 支付日则应在现金付出日记帐中作出如下分录。
Payment in Cash of Ship Damage 船舶损害的现金支付
Payment may Be made in any of the following ways, By cash, By cheque, or By credit card. 付款可用下列任何一种方式:现金、支票或用信用卡。
And does he take payment in cash? 他收不收现金的?
Payment of USD can not be in the form of cash. 美元请以非现金形式支付。
Stock dividend a dividend payment made in the form of additional shares, rather than a cash payout. 股票股息以额外股份形式,而不是现金形式支付的股息。
The payment of the order must be in advance or cash on delivery. 货款必须预付或货到现金支付。
Proceed payment in cash verify the payment vouchers. 处理现金收付,复查付款单据是否齐全合理。
What method of your payment, by credit card or in cash? 我可以知道您的付款方式吗?是用信用卡还是用现金?
We may make payment in cash, that is to say, the employees get their salaries directly at the counter of our bank, or the employees'salaries are transferred to any appointed current savings accounts. 我行可以现金发放,也就是说,由职工直接到银行柜面领取工资,或者职工工资也可以划入指定的活期储蓄账户。
Make all payment by check. The only exception should be for small payment to be made in cash from a petty cash fund. 所有主要支付都使用支票,对于零星的现金支付则另设定额备用金。
Optimal Payment Time under Permissible Delay in Payments with Cash Discount 延期支付条件下的最优付款时间确定:考虑现金折扣情形
There are two forms of payment in practice: cash and share. 在企业购并实践中,主并企业可供选择的支付工具主要有现金和股票两种。
Finally, we illuminated electronic payment system in e-commerce and designed a simple and high secure electronic cash system with multiple banks based on group signature. 最后,对电子商务中的一个重要组成部分&电子支付系统进行了详细的阐述,利用群签名技术设计出一个简单、高安全性的多银行电子现金系统方案。
At present, the old-age insurance in our country has shifted from foundation of collection and payment in cash in central-planned economy to the partial accumulation foundation that combines overall social planning with personal accounts ( OSPPA) in the market economy. 目前,我国的养老保险制度已经由计划经济条件下的现收现付模式过渡到市场经济条件下的部分积累模式,实行社会统筹和个人账户相结合。
And shareholders wealth will increase with payment in cash. 以现金作为对外并购支付方式时,财富获得也越多。
The cash flows from enterprise's operating activities are important content of cash flow statements. We can enclose useful financial information about enterprise's quality of revenue, capability of development and stability of ability of cash payment in the future by analyzing cash flows from operating activities. 企业经营活动现金流量是现金流量表的重要内容,对经营活动现金流量的分析,可以揭示企业的收益质量、成长能力以及未来支付能力的稳定性等方面的重要财务信息。
Payment methods in this thesis are divided into cash, stock, assumed liabilities, assets and mixed payments, in the section details of the features of each payment will be talked. 本文将并购支付方式划分为现金支付、股票支付、承债支付、资产支付以及混合支付五种支付方式,较为深入地分析了每种支付方式的特点。
Rural social security is a fiscal transfer payment system in cash for the hardest and the lowest, to which the Party and Government have always attached great importance. 农村社会保障是一项面向社会最困难、最底层人口的现金性财政转移支付制度,党和国家历来高度重视农村社会保障问题。